Miscellaneous Materials
State Legislation
American Association of Law Libraries:
A Quick Look at the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
Testimony in Opposition to House Bill 19 and Senate Bill 142
American Library Association:
ALA Washington Office's Web site on UCITA
Association for Computing Machinery:
ACM position paper
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law (NCCUSL) approved UCITA on July 29, 2000
Association of Research Libraries:
ARL's UCITA page
Against UCITA - general facts
Cem Kaner's web site opposing UCITA
Cem Kaner discusses the harm of The Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility:
Fact sheet UCITA against UCITA
"Objections from the Consumer Perspective" written by a professor of Law at the University of Arizona
UCITA to the Rescue on Customer Support Costs
UCITA Policy
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers:
Linux Today:
Petition signing, talking points
Medical Library Association:
Several libraries write to NCCUSL against UCITA
Medical Library Association, Association of Research Libraries, American Association of Law Libraries, and the Special Libraries Association's fact sheet about UCITA and how it will harm libraries
National Writers Union:
The National Writers Union urging writers to oppose UCITA
How UCITA will harm writers, written by Law Office of Cem Kaner
Partial list of organizations that oppose UCC 2B and UCITA
UCITA: The Son of UCC 2B Strikes Back
New Jersey Law Revision Commission:
The NJLRC's UCITA index
Tentative draft of the NJLRC's September 2000 UCITA report
Software Engineering Ethics Research Institute:
ALERT: a danger to the Public and a danger to the development of Safe Quality Software in new legislation
Grassroots movement against UCITA, tips on surviving UCITA, boycotting Virginia etc.
UCITA Online:
A new site critiquing UCITA
Anti-UCITA letter from a "working group" within the Business Law section of the American Bar Association to Gene Lebrum and other commissioners from the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Law.
UCITA Draft for approval by NCCUSL.
Information on subscription and usage of UCITA.
The 2b Guide to UCITA - discusses NCCUSL's role in UCITA passage.
David Johnson's personal negative view of UCITA.
Eric Lee Green discusses groups who have joined together to oppose UCITA.
Why UCITA is Bad and How to Fight It from groups sponsoring Ralph Nader for President.
Summary of UCITA from about.com - includes anti-UCITA letters and testimonies.
OS Opinions analyzes UCITA, misconceptions about it, and how it will affect Open Source Software.
Questions/Comments regarding UCITA and its effects on mass markets.
Memo from Stephen Chow, Uniform Law Commissioner, Massachusetts to the Virginia Joint Committee on Technology and Science, on the effect of UCITA on E-commerce.
Letter to Virginia Legislators by Robert E. Simanski against UCITA.
Official opinion of the State of Connecticut on UCITA.
Discuss.userland.com posts - "UCITA is evil."
Personal Dissection of UCITA - by Forrest J. Cavalier, III of Mib Software.
Internet.com's Bill Pietrucha writes an opinion piece following the Virginia Senate's passage of UCITA.
Richard Barry of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility submits A letter to Northern Virginia voters attacking UCITA.
Cem Kaner's rebuttal to UCITA lobbyists' article in the National Law Journal.
My Take on the Low Points of UCITA - OS Opinion piece by Anthony Christopher.
UCITA: The Best Legislation Money Can Buy, Take Two - OS Opinion piece by Curt Wuollet.
UCITA Would Harm Quality, Giving Unfair Protection to Fraud and Incompetence - The Progress Report's analysis of UCITA.
UCITA: Friend or Foe? - Analysis by Sherri Shade.
Posting on ZDNet's Talkback from Rob Steinbach, a programmer from Memphis, TN, about UCITA's abuses on consumer software.
Posting on ZDNet's Talkback from Cole Thompson, an IS Engineer from Pleasanton, CA, about how UCITA "could give non-US software developers a big boost."
Why UCITA, Like UCC Article 2B, is Premature and Unsound - Analysis by Jean Braucher.
Analysis of UCITA by the Electronic Commerce Forum.
The UCITA Car - article posted on Troubleshooters.com. Satirically compares UCITA to an auto manufacturer.
Introduced UCITA Bills
Enacted UCITA Legislation
Maryland: Maryland Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act
Virginia: SJ 239 Study; Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act | SB 372 Computer Information Transactions Act; created, study | HJ 277 Study; Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act | HB 561 Computer Information Transactions Act; created, study
Enacted UCITA Bomb Shelter Legislation
Iowa: Iowa HB 2205 (UETA) see Sec. 4 for bomb-shelter provision
North Carolina: SB 1023 - bomb-shelter bill (passed 2001)
West Virginia Bomb-Shelter Legislation: SB 204 Introduced | SB 204 Engrossed | SB 204 Enrolled (PDF Files)
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