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"UCITA is faulted because the terms are murky in showing the relation between copyright and licensing." - Jonathan Band, an attorney with Morrison & Forester

"UCITA gives software publishers the right to enter into licenses that take away the rights we've traditionally had under copyright law." - Charles Shafer, a professor at the University of Baltimore Law School

"UCITA stacks the deck against end-users and businesses in favor of large software vendors, and thus it protects those who have the most money and influence-and so the least need of protection." - Timothy Dyck columnist, ZDNET

"It's amusing to hear on the one hand this demand that this new industry is different and should be exempt from established laws and regulations, but on the other hand hear that it is demanding massive changes in the patent and copyright system so that the government rights given these people will be strengthened at the expense of others." - Cem Kaner, a lawyer and software engineer quoted by Newhouse News Services

"UCITA is the wrong answer. It's a sweeping set of rules that we don't believe are suited to the needs of enterprise buyers." - eWeek editorial, December 4, 2000

"Unlike the law governing sales of goods, UCITA departs from an important principle of consumer protection that material terms must be disclosed prior to the consummation of the transaction. UCITA does not require that licensees be informed of licensing restrictions in a clear and conspicuous manner prior to the consummation of the transaction." - The United States Federal Trade Commission

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